My Natural Happiness – post #1

Are you trying to be all things to everyone?

I hope you are well and enjoying your day so very much, I felt called to write to you today after speaking to several clients last week who all felt so overwhelmed with the long to do list, when things get overwhelming it can be easy just to go onto autopilot to get things done and then find yourself feeling tired, exhausted, and at breaking point.

Are you trying to look after everyone else before you? Working all day long, feeling stressed in the modern world in a high pressured work place, do the job, come home, work at home to on the house, looking after the family, the kids, the mundane tasks that just seem never ending?

Because you keep giving to everyone else and not you, keep putting you at the bottom of your own list, are you starting to question your own sense of self worth? Starting to think about you as being unworthy of the attention because you are giving all the time and not receiving – you are at the bottom of your own list, so why should anyone else put you at the top of theirs?

I’ve news for you – Not putting yourself at the top of your list – ever – can lead to depression, anxiety, illness, exhaustion and so much more.

Please stop it.

It can lead to not feeling worthy, wondering why you are here, wondering if there is something better, lack of life purpose, lack of direction in life, thinking about running away from it all in a regular basis, in some cases it can lead to the heartbreak of suicidal thoughts.

You are amazing.You are Loved. You are Important. You, yes YOU are here for a reason, you deserve happiness, please start to create it for yourself as no-one else will.

It doesn’t have to be this way, being all things to everyone means that you can’t be all the things you want to be for yourself, means you can’t fulfil your life’s dreams, which is heartbreakingly sad.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Just making a few small changes can make big waves, small pebbles in the water can ripple out so beautifully, things can shift.

A lot if my clients don’t feel they have the time to come on a retreat, even though they would love to, and that’s hard.

So one of the solutions for this, one small change that can make big waves is to simply take ten minutes, every single day, for yourself, put you first for just ten minutes every day & block that time out for you, this one small change can make a huge difference,

Seriously, if we can’t give ourselves ten minutes each day, what can we do?

Create a ritual around these ten minutes, it might be to sit in the garden for ten minutes every day reading a book, it might be a candlelit bath, a walk, even for just ten minutes – it makes a difference, it might just be ten minutes in a different room. It’s about finding your sanctuary and where you feel safe – which may shift with the seasons, it does with me.

In the winter mine tends to be a shower, a bath, reading a book in bed, maybe just going to bed ten minutes before everyone else.

In the Spring mine tends to be ten minutes in the garden with the book, or a ten minute walk across the fields that surround my home, just being outside that little bit more makes all the difference.

In the Summer my ten minutes shift to being in the shade feeling the warmth of the sun rest gently on my skin through dappled leaves just fill my soul with restfulness, peace, love and care.

In the Autumn it tends to be ten minutes walking through fallen leaves, thinking about all that I want to shed in my life in line with the trees to move forward as the seasons shift,megatherium strength as I go,

So, you see, these ten minutes can shift each day, each moment and they are so powerful, so important, if you can stretch to half hour that’s amazing, just ten minutes every single day will make huge changes in your life, just try it and see.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by it all, a sense of lack of self worth, if you are simply feeling as though you are at the bottom of the pile, my loving challenge to you is to put yourself at the top of the pile just for ten minutes a day, sometimes the simple solutions can make the biggest difference – if it helps sat it’s 10 minutes, at this time, make this your time – ask for the support and help of those around you, so you can refill your cup, so you in turn can give more to them, just for ten minutes, just for today, just for everyday.

Give yourself permission to be top of your list for ten minutes everyday and watch yourself climb to the top of your families list, such a simple tool and I hope it helps,

Here’s a link to Zenobia’s story and how things shifted for her when she started putting herself first, what happened when she started taking ten minutes or more each day just for her.

If I can be of any help or service to you, please just ask – in the meantime please start implementing this small change today and see what happens, let me know!

With So Much Love,


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