Interview With Kate Arbuckle

How Long Have you Been Doing What You Do and How Did you Get to be Where You are Now?

 Kate Arbuckle

I worked in the Corporate environment for more years than I can remember, working 80 plus
hours per week, working towards and achieving targets, being stressed, run down and just so very tired – I knew there had to be more to life and as I had always had a keen interest in Spirituality decided I needed to learn some natural, holistic ways to make my life in the Corporate World easier, to help me manage my stress levels holistically and general make my passage through life easier.

I discovered Avebury, a magical stone circle, at a magical time when so many incredible teachers and magical practitioners converged at the same time, in the same place – and I was lucky enough to be there at the same time as them! That time has been likened to Hogwarts as it was a truly transformational time – if you wanted to learn about Druidry, you just sat in the Circle with the Druids – if you wanted to learn about Witchcraft and Wicca, you went to the open ceremonies for the moon phases, you asked questions and then you shut up and listened. If you wanted to learn about the runes, you spoke to the Rune Master – I could go on, and you get the picture. 

I asked questions, I listened and I learnt so much – about Wicca, Witchcraft, Druidry, Paganism, Runes, Tarot, I learnt so much and am so blinking grateful that the Universe led me to Avebury at that time. 

I did so much magical training, from becoming a Reiki Master, to amazing Celtic Shamanic Courses with the magical John and Caitlin Matthews. I went to workshops with RJ Stewart and Anastacia Nutt in Glastonbury, I spent three years learning about the Tree of Life – then spent three years learning about the Tarot, the history of the Tarot and how the Tree of Life training was a huge foundation to the magic of the Tarot. I attended workshops on The Faery Tradition, I learnt so so so many aspects of the Magical Unseen Worlds.

I gradually worked through the three levels of Reiki, Karuna ® Reiki, attended and ran Mindfulness, Meditation & Spiritual Courses whilst climbing the Corporate ladder and all was fabulous – I never ever intended to teach Reiki, or become a Coach for that matter, as although I had a few clients I was working long hours in my job,  truly at the start I did it for me, on my 4th Reiki Master attunement I looked up and said to my Reiki Master ‘i’m going to teach’ and she said ‘yup, I know!’ So I started!

A huge, life changing, defining moment in my life was when the Universe decided to nudge me towards letting go of the Corporate Life I was frankly hiding in, in September of 2009 I had a fairly major car accident, I was so beyond tired & utterly exhausted from chasing those promotions and neverending targets that I fainted in the outside lane of the motorway, the M4 just by Junction 11 at 5.15 on a Tuesday night. I went across 3 lanes of traffic, unconscious, and woke up in a ditch, surrounded by Lorry drivers and one amazing Lady who stayed with me until  the ambulance arrived (I will forever be grateful to those who stopped that afternoon, and wish I had the sense to ask for their details at the side of the motorway, shock was all that gripped me that evening though – if you happened to be the one who stopped and are reading this, thank you )

I compacted my spine on impact, and was unable to work for over 6 months, they even mentioned the word ‘wheelchair’ to me on more than one occasion – it was a tough time, going from being on the go the entire time to sofa bound was tough I don’t mind saying. When the Universe wants you to stop and you ignore the many signs that you are given to slow down, and you ignore these signs – I’ve learnt that the Universe eventually gets tired of asking politely and forces you to stop – if you find nothing else of use to you on this page, please take heed of this lesson I learnt, and slow down, find time for you along the way and breathe – trust me, you don’t want to learn it the hard way.

The many many Natural tools & techniques – mindfulness, meditation & the manifestation  tools that I had learnt over the years , the Reiki, the Spirituality and Celtic Shamanic work,  the Faery work that I had done helped me more than I can say to deal with the repercussions of barely being able to walk in those few months, let alone being able to live a ‘normal’ life  (a good day was walking around the garden once – a bad day was not being able to lift the kettle for a sacred, much needed cuppa)

Once I had recovered, I returned to full time work – I ensured that I very much looked after myself this time around,  I actually implemented all that I had learnt – those tools that I had learnt I now very much weaved into my Corporate life as opposed to try and seperate them from my home life – I put self care at the top of my agenda, instead of at the  bottom of my ‘to do’ list, I out me first for the first time in a very very long time  – these natural tools & techniques helped me hit targets, achieve more in less time, all whilst caring for myself, my clients and my team around me.

Over the course of the following months, It became very apparent that so many friends, family and colleagues could do with some highly effective, incredible holistic stress management tools and techniques, these could help so many people in a much bigger way deal with the crap that life sometimes throws at us and I decided to dedicate the rest of my working life to helping others de-stress, to find their lifes passion, act on their dreams & wishes as opposed to constantly putting themselves at the bottom of the list, help their friends and family, find their work/life balance and create their perfect worlds – sharing these highly effective, yet so simple to implement methods with so many amazing clients and students is an utter honour and I am beyond blessed that so many people choose me – thank you 💕💕

Who are your clients exactly?

My clients tend to be amazing Women of Spirit who spend so long looking after everyone else in their life that they have forgotten what their souls calling is. They have buried their dreams under the pile of the to do list and they want to reconnect to their spiritual side of life so much. Their souls are calling them and reminding them that there is more to life and they are starting to listen to that call but are a little afraid to take action on their dreams – they don’t want to let anyone down in their lives after all! 

They keep almost taking a step towards what they want in life, almost reconnecting to their hearts calling, almost being brave enough to Shine their Lights from within, but something keeps pulling them into the shadows and they hide in the mundane of life again.

What happens if you haven’t yet worked with people in my field?

It’s all about you, your dreams, your wishes and goals – the tools and techniques I share with my clients transcend all walks of life, so you will be just fine.

What exactly are the Programmes that you offer, and what does they include?

I offer a variety of courses that you can join in from the comfort of your own home, my two most popular courses are :-

Shine Your Light Goddess, Shine Your Light Bootcamp – 8 beautiful modules to help you shed the shackles of your past, both this life and previous lives so that you can step forward, speak your truth and Shine Your Light brightly in this world. This course is about the magical, inner work to release inner stumbling blocks so that you feel safe at a core level to take action on an outer plane to achieve your dreams, wishes and goals. Once you are in the Bootcamp, you are in – and will get access to our monthly group calls for as long as I run them.

The Seeds of Change TM programme is a year long, fully virtual course – so you can be based anywhere in the world. You will receive a series of training modules that you can watch in your own time, offering you a step by step process, these are a series of ‘Happiness Activators TM’  that I have created to help you move from Hamster Wheel To Happiness TM. This course includes 1-1 sessions and we build your year around the level of support that you want to receive on an individual level.

The Seeds of Change Programme TM is open to all who want to create real change to their inner happiness, it follows no religion, it’s open to people of all faiths and people of no faiths. I work with you and your chosen path in life – yes, I am a little ‘woo woo’ at times and I work on all planes of existence – if this isn’t your calling though please don’t worry – this is about weaving the magic of the universe with the mundane of this world to create change in your world, where you want to create change and not about you suddenly becoming a hippie and living in a field (unless that’s your desire of course!)

The Seeds of Change Business Course TM that I have created is born out of people asking me how I have created a beautiful business, serving clients I truly love from the bottom of my heart – and so I created a year long programme to show other the how, and to offer a guiding hand where needed – if this speaks to you please just let me know, and we can chat further.

I also offer VIP Days in Glastonbury and Avebury – we design the day around you, and what you are looking for right now in life, these are 1-1 full days and as such have a much higher ticket price than the other courses I run – if this is speaking to you, please drop me an email on to arrange a time to have a chat and see if the day is for you, and if we are a good fit for each other.

Does this really work?

If you put the work in, in more ways than you can ever imagine – it is truly life changing, just have a look at the testimonials page on this website if you are looking for some inspiration.

What results can I expect?

It depends on you, your dreams, desires, wishes and goals. How much work you are prepared to put in, You can expect to feel an inner calmness, sense of wellbeing and love for yourself and those around you that you have not experienced before, you can expect to feel a sense of control around your lifes path, and feel empowered to change the things you can change in your life, along with a much greater acceptance of the things that you are not able to change in your World.

You can expect to make real changes in your life if that is what you are looking for, I will show you step by step how to work with The Law of Attraction, with Manifestation work weaving in Quantum Physics whilst you are very much taking real steps in the mundane world to meet the Universe half way – if you put the work in, you will absolutely get results.

Can I contact some of your former students and clients to see what it’s like to work with you?

Absolutely, just contact me for a free, no obligation chat so that I can find out more about you and your personal situation, I can then out you in contact a former student or client who has faced the most similar challenges and has the most similar goals to you.

How quickly can I expect results?

You will see incredible results instantly, some during your course and others are more gentle and take their time to become apparent, almost working in the wings and gently coming to fruition – this path is always amazing, incredible and inspiring, and different yet the same for everyone, its incredible!

How long is the program?

There are different programmes to suit each individual, and range from 3 months to a year as a starting point, so do give me a call and we can discuss the options that are right for you.

What are your Programmes like?

They are fun, educational, emotional, spiritual, focusing and life changing – sometimes involving tears of joy and laughter, and sometimes involving tears of sadness, emotions and a realisation that something has to give in our life, they are so much fun & each course is so different, depending on the people who are on the course together. One thing that I have learnt over the years, the right people are on the right course with each other and many long term friendships have sprung up from clients & students meeting each other on their course. 

How long have you been doing what you do and how did you get to be a Natural Stress Management Expert?

Corporate over workedI have been working in the Holistic Area for over 40 years, and over the years have attended many courses, discovered many tools which help with dealing with the stress that comes with modern life. In June 2006 I took my first Reiki course which filled in so many blanks for me & joined the dots that were missing in bringing Natural & Holistic tools to help with Corporate Stress. At the time of doing my first Reiki Course I was working for a Blue Chip Company, working over 80 hours per week, not including the dreaded commute & was beyond shattered. My energy, and zest for life were at an all time low I confess, and I was just looking for a way out of the Corporate World, hence my interest in Reiki as a way to refill my soul with beautiful energy, having has most of mine zapped by the Corporate Beast of a Hamster Wheel, and also a possible new career offering reiki treatments to boot!

Once I put my self care at the top of the list, and actually implemented all that I had learnt I felt stronger, more alive, back in balance and more me again – I suddenly felt able to deal with the office politics, with people clambering over each other to get promoted, that commute didn’t seem to be as bad & I always found something to smile about even in the darkest of situations, I quite frankly was astounded! These results are open to anyone willing to invest the time & energy in themselves, which is why I do what I do.

Over the years I have also learnt everything from Mindfulness, meditation, undergone Celtic Shamanic training, Faery work, attended many Spiritual courses over the years as well as the down to earth business courses. I truly strive to be a bridge from the mundane to the magical, showing others how to very simply create real change in their own lives – I’ve created an entire programme that’s simple and easy to follow – so that you don’t have to go to the time and trouble of all the courses I’ve attended over the years!

For what type of person is this program NOT going to work?

This is a tough question, as these tools and techniques are beyond effective (I’m a walking talking testament to this, as are many of my clients!) so I guess the answer is this programme is not going to work for those who are closed to the idea of trying new tools and techniques, completing the work necessarily and those who do not understand that there will be days where everything is FANTASTIC, and there will be days where life seems a little darker as we go through the programme, sometimes we have to face the darkness to move through into the light that is all around us, so a smooth sailing journey? It’s not likely to be that, it requires time, energy, dedication and love – so those willing to work on themselves a little, able to embrace new tools & techniques, and those able to understand that some days it will involve pure trust that the Universal love and support is there and helping us in every way possible will get so much more out of our time together, than those who are more closed to the idea of it possibly being a bumpy ride.

How can I guarantee myself that I will get results? If you do the work, you will get results, if you don’t you won’t, it’s as simple as that.

How long is the program?

There are different options available, when we chat we can decide together if these programs are right for you, and if so, which program is for you – it’s always different for each person, so you get to choose which program best suits your needs.

How do I pay you?

Either by bank transfer, paypal, credit or debit card.

OK, I know which program I want. How do we get started? 

Head to the ‘join a magical course online’ tab and sign up, or drop me an email on to arrange a time to chat about which course is right for you right now in your life.

I have a family and a busy life. Although I want to get these results badly, I don’t have much time to spare. How much time do I need?

That is why I put these courses online – you watch the modules in your own time, you work around your own schedule, and you do you as you go – these course are designed to be easily weaved into your daily life. 

OK, I’m ready to do this for myself, but I have a couple of additional questions. Can I call you?

Absolutely, just drop me an email on, and we can find a time that suits us both to chat,

With so much love,

Kate xxx

P.S I’m not in that wheelchair that they were talking about after my car accident …. And I climbed to the very top of Snowdon a couple of years ago … This stuff works!