Always find yourself getting sick when you stop and rest?

Are you one of those people that every time you go on holiday, unwind and start to relax you get poorly?

Are you so tightly stressed about work, life, balancing acts that you are afraid to stop for a bit, afraid to relax in case it all unravels, and therefore keep going all the time, never stopping to come up for air?

Are you tired of keeping all those plates spinning, but are too scared to let one go in case it upsets the equilibrium?

You are not alone, so many people I meet are feeling the same as you, I used to be one of them when I was in the corporate world, it was horrid and draining,

I remember going to Brussels with my Mum and having to sleep for most of the weekend because I was so utterly exhausted with it all, Mum was not happy.

The same happened when I went to Eindoven to visit my Fairy Godparents

The same happened when I spent 2 weeks in Portugal, I was on my own that time and spent a week sleeping I was so tired.

I learnt eventually that it wasn’t my fault, as it’s not your fault – work pressures in the Modern age pile up and pile up and pile up, its no wonder we are so strung out along the way.

I eventually found a myriad of ways to help me manage my energy levels on a weekly basis, ensuring that I wasn’t utterly exhausted when I went on holiday – Learning how to give myself Reiki was, and is a huge huge part of this as I’m sure you would expect because it gave me the tools to quickly relax and clear my mind when I had only 5 minutes to spare, it empowered me to help myself so very much, which is why I love teaching Reiki to others, empowering my clients to help themselves daily is an honour & a passion that I’m blessed to weave into my life daily.

This is about you though, and helping you – here are some simple strategies you may find helpful

1) You probably take your body to the gym to exercise, take care of your Spiritual Soul with the same importance, daily meditation makes a huge difference – just 5 minutes of consciously clearing the mind and allowing it to rest, allowing any thoughts than come into your mind just flow out without giving them energy helps so very much (top tip, find a time that works for you – I’m a snoozer in the mornings, so now instead of thinking ‘I need to get out of bed’ when the alarm goes off, I hit the snooze button and I use those 5 minutes between the alarms to meditate)

2) Find something that relaxes you, swimming, yoga, walking, find something and spend an hour a week doing it, you’ve heard it before however giving yourself permission to switch off and put you first, just for an hour is key, so this is a reminder to put you first for an hour a week.

3) switch off your phone for 30 minutes a week – it’s empowering!

4) Go to bed early once a week, without electronic distractions.

5) be kind to you, if you can only integrate just one of these things into your daily life it’s an improvement!

I do hope this helps, let me know if you’ve any other hints and tips that work for you, or share them on the Facebook page,
With Love,


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